celluazeHave you recently lost a lot of weight? Or perhaps you now experience various unflattering looseness in your skin due to aging or hereditary issues. It’s not uncommon for one dealing with loose skin around the neck – that dreadful “turkey waddle” look as it’s known – to want to improve his or her appearance. This happens usually if somebody has lost pounds and the skin isn’t as elastic as it used to be, and it may also be genetic. If you’ve noticed your mother or grandfather had a similar look, chances are the turkey gobble neck could be yours regardless of how much you weigh.

Is there a solution for this unwanted feature? Yes. When you consult with Dr. Kanter in our Virginia plastic surgery office, you will learn how a simple laser liposuction procedure can smooth and tighten the skin around your neck and eliminate that “jowl-y” look often associated with age. We’ll show you how we can tighten your neck to remove any appearance of a double chin, too.  View before and after photos of clients who have had Smart Lipo of the neck.

Call on us today at 757-827-8486 to learn more about our Virginia neck liposuction procedures.